Chretien Conference Jean Chretien believes APEC stands for 'Always Pepperspray Every Complainer'
Cirque de Celine Celine Dion has a shattering singing experience
Tom's Bar While at the parliamentary bar, two Canadian Senators knock back the news stories of the week
Bouchard Ad Lucien Bouchard makes a down-home campaign commercial
Gabereau and Barrett Vicki Gabereau interviews two automated banking machines, and discovers one is Bank of Montreal boss Mathew Barrett
Smokers' Commentary Two smokers take their break in the designated gossip area. The two discuss the pending war in Iraq, Joe Clark, New Gingrich, Hell's Angels' home for sale, new wrestler governor, Chretien compared to Mark McGwire, Swedish disco fire, the closing of Ontario schools, and Thomas Jefferson's extramarital experience
Sportset Sportsnet's newest host discusses violence with hockey's most erudite goon