Chicken Cannon News: Chicken Cannon News reports on Colin Powell's meeting with Yassar Arafat, Survivor: West Bank, Saddam Hussein, Gordon Campbell, disco music in Afghanistan and more. Colin Mochrie takes an in-depth look at when the animal world attacks.
Expos Fans: A couple of fans are home alone.
New Look Newman: Newsworld overdoses on screen clutter and leaves Don Newman with the blahs.
Abendigo & Colin Mochrie: Abendigo Winkler interviews improv master Colin Mochrie.
Saturn Commercial: The world's most sensitive car salesman is pushed to his limit.
Global Warming Restaurant Couple: A romantic dinner turns hot with talk of Global Warming.
Java Gab: Java Joe pays lip service to the credit card companies.
Chrétiens Return Home: Jean Chrétien visits Ottawa during his latest world tour.
Larry King & The Bushes: Larry King gets a terrorist updates from Presidents George and Laura Bush.
Health Watch Commercial: Growing old and watching Drug Store commercials can driv