-BBC Interviews Queen: The Queen explains why the butler did it.
-Cabbie: Dave the cabbie rants about Osama bin Laden, Ontario Hydro, Harry Potter, an invisible Iranian bank robber, Gordon Lightfoot, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Colin Powell, and Martha Stewart.
-Winona Ryder: Shopping Channel: On the Winona Ryder Shopping Channel merchandise is a steal.
-Billy Two Willies: Television: Television surfing leaves Billy 2 Willies drowning in disappointment.
-U.S. Border Guards: U.S. border guards screen visitors along the U.S. – Canada border.
-Football Stadium Marriage Proposal: Popping the question ""plane"" style.
-Bush Skeet Shooting: President Bush's Iraq attack is one skeet short of a full load.
-The Fat Show: An image conscious talk show host chews the fat with a weight doctor.
-Kyoto Commercial: Anti-Kyoto forces state their case.