Donut Shop
Donut shopper talk about Remembrance Day poppies, troops in Afghanistan/Sea King helicopters, KFC/Transfats, Danish cartoonist, Marmaduke, Bloc Quebecois in by-election, teens coffee drinking habits, Hubble telescope. Bush: Rumsfeld Resignation
George Bush announces the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. Cop Cam: Blind Driver
Cop pulls over a blind driver. Osamalot
A theatrical look at the life and times of Osama bin Laden. Alberta Agriculture
Alberta agriculture spokes unveils the Bowl Disrupter. Harper's Dine Out
While at a restaurant, Stephen Harper and wife discover same sex marriage is on the menu. Ask A Liberal: Dryden/Kennedy/Rae
Liberal leadership candidates Ken Dryden, Gerard Kennedy and Bob Rae answer questions from Canadians. Eye On: Forecasting Fear
The FBI finds almanacs the latest threat to national security. Anti Thong Animation
Jean Charest passes new bill to help with Quebec’s obesity problem. Website Billionaires
Teenage Website billionaires reveal their secret to success. Dyer Report
Gwynne Dyer discusses the beefing up Canada/US border. Limbaugh Justice Animation
The justice gavel catches up with Rush Limbaugh after he makes crude comments about Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s disease. Deja Jew New Channel Promo
New Digital channel - Deja Jew.Uke Comments: Ignatieff
An angry Ukrainian is upset with Liberal leadership candidate Michael Ignatieff.