Man eats 38 boiled eggs in 29 seconds and has a stroke; Shark pulls fisherman overboard; Stuntman punches through car windshield and cuts his arm, then hits another stuntman with a burning sword; Man puts butane in his mouth and blows on flame; Men dance in mud to impress attractive fair employees; Russian man eats cactus; Man shares lobster-eating techniques; Rocker with giant boa constrictor; Church congregation handles live rattlesnakes; Mother throws knives at board while her kids stand against the board; Three-year-old on motorcycle hits head on pickup truck's tailgate; Teenagers shoot roman candles at friends on hotel balcony; Escape artist hangs himself and tries to escape; Man leaps from third floor balcony into piles of boxes and mattresses; Man juggles egg, bowling ball, and chainsaw and then uses the chainsaw to carve in apple that a woman is holding with her mouth; South African car with anti-carjacking flame-thrower; Skydiver removes parachute in midair and falls to the gr