#3769 - S16.E10
Amber's pain subsides, she decides to show Rick how much she loves him. She goes up on stage, dedicates a song to him. Rick & Amber agree that they're going to give their baby a wonderful life. Amber suddenly collapses in pain, urges Rick to call an ambulance. Whip tells Brooke that she shouldn't have sent Deacon a letter, reminds her what would happen if Bridget or Stephanie saw it. Deacon reads the letter in which Brooke professes her love but asks for a clean break. Bridget notices that Deacon is upset, but Deacon insists that he's just overwhelmed by everything going on in his life right now. Bridget is thrilled when Deacon informs her that as of this moment, she is his number one priority. Brooke is angry when she catches Whip reading her letter, but he congratulates her on breaking off her relationship with Deacon. He assures her that she's done a great thing for her children, someday she'll realize it was best for Deacon and her, too.