

Full title:
Tough Nut - S8.E6 - Blue Heelers
Episode number:
First aired:
March 28, 2001

Tough Nut - S8.E6

March 28, 2001
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Sgt Tess Gallagher takes on more than her job demands when she tries to help the three children of a local woman whom she believes are being abused by the latest de facto. Even when Sen Sgt Tom Croydon tells her there are no grounds for suspecting abuse, a stubborn Tess refuses to drop it. Something from her past, perhaps personal experience, tells her to persevere. When she discovers the three children; Hayley, 10, Darien, 8, and Frasier, six, have broken into her car and slept there overnight, Tess knows her instincts were right. But she is at a loss with what to do with them. She takes the kids back inside her house, feeds them breakfast and plans to take them to DHS to be placed in a safe house. But the kids get wind of her plans and flee in fear to the nearby mines. Things go from bad to worse as Tess has to confess to Tom what has occurred—the children have disappeared while they were in her careÅ  and their mother Tina doesn¹t know they are missing. At the old mines, Tess a

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