If It ain't Hurtin' - S9.E3
(from tv guide): Jonesy gets itchy feet when a hack wrestling troupe he once worked for comes to town. Meg, the owner, is an old flame and she makes her interest in Jonesy clear. The troupe is struggling to stay afloat and the theft of a valuable wrestling belt places their future under threat. Meg's plans for the troupe are unpopular with the older wrestlers. Did one of them steal the belt in an effort to protect their history? A pyrotechnics accident leaves one old wrestler badly burnt and Meg leans on Jonesy for support. Jonesy is disbelieving as evidence mounts against his old girlfriend. Would she risk someone's life to get her own way? Tess thinks so. As the troupe continues to splinter, Tess questions Jonesy's objectivity. Jonesy is torn when Meg asks him to leave the Force and join her and the troupe. Does he know her as well as he thought? Where is his future?