#3806 - S16.E47
Sheila wonders how the Forresters managed to get their hooks into her daughter again. Erica & Sheila are stunned when Ziggy comes to the door with a police officer behind him. Erica covers for her mother's visit, explaining that Sheila trashed the place looking for some jewelry Erica had borrowed without permission. Massimo notes that Stephanie is still wearing Eric's ring. He points out that a man who could have jeopardized Stephanie's life by bringing Sheila into the picture deserves Stephanie's contempt, not her love. Stephanie wonders whatever happened to Sheila & her daughter. She explains that James tried to find them, but Stephanie hopes she never has to see Sheila's face again. Erica insists that Amber is her friend, refuses to go home with her mother. Erica calls Sheila from her first day of work, says that Rick treats her like a princess. When Erica doesn't appear, Ziggy suggests that he may have to call the police, but Sheila jumps at him, holds a knife to his throat.