Fast Food Drive Through - S6.E5
This week's mission takes the all-time cake for layers of complication. It's really one of our most creative missions ever. You're gonna love it... The Roadies motor on over to Brisbane where they park it in a sea-side trailer resort. The engine isn't even cool when the manager of the park brings Chadwick a letter. It's from Skye, his ex-girlfriend. Shayne suggests Chad read the ominous letter after dinner, but Chad ignores this suggestion and strolls away on his own, tearing at the envelope. Chad privately reveals the contents of the letter: Skye is mad at Chad for leaving her without saying goodbye - she feels Chad owes her something. Chad explains that Skye wanted marriage and a family and he couldn't offer here those things - not just yet anyway. Chad and Skye decided to separate from each other and meditate on the situation. But soon, Skye was dating other boys and Chad was devastated. Chad feels he owes Skye nothing. Later that night, Piggy tries to comfort Chad, reminding