A Ghost Thrives Better Than Piggy Drives - S6.E10
Susie gets a tattoo and lets her behavior veer toward mischievous as she rolls along the downward spiral. Piggy manages to get an Australian driver's license. I wonder which of these occurrences is more dangerous... ""I don't know what got into Susie, but I kind of like it,"" remarks Piggy as the cast takes turns inspecting her new tattoo. After arriving at the hostel, Piggy and Susie take the Winnie for some gas while the others stay behind to chow down on free barbecue. Parking in front of a gas station, they're informed that they're going to have to wait about twenty minutes until the truck in front of them is done filling up. No problem, we'll just back the Winnie up and wait at the --- BANG! That sounded a lot like the Winnie backing into a car. Showcasing her grasp of the English language, Piggy blurts out, ""Oh f--k, f--k, f--k, f--k."" Exiting the Winnie, they discover the damage: a busted tail-light on someone's car. They find out that the owner of the vehicle works at the h