Strike the Gold - S7.E10
The Roadies rise early in Mexico City and receive a clue in their room at the Hotel del Angel -- meet Helen at the Mexico City dump. The dump meets or exceeds our heroes' worst expectations, but they are quickly distracted by the appearance of a motorcycle gang wearing dust-masks -- Helen and her crew! Helen explains that the gang makes a living by recycling what the rest of Mexico City throws out, and each of the cast pairs up with a member of the group to collect materials. It's disgusting at first, but the cast learns how to turn ordinary trash into fascinating art and practical household items, and they discover that people can be happy and healthy even if they live at the dump. After they clean up, the Roadies motor south, headed for Belize. During the drive, it's clear that Holly is beginning to warm up to Abe again. That night, Abe sets up the tent for he and Holly while Sarah, Joshua, and Brian sleep in the Woodee.