The Woodie Crawl - S11.E1
Campus Crawl begins with the 6 cast members getting picked up on a yellow school bus somewhere in the backwoods of North Carolina. We quickly meet everyone and find out that Darrell likes to box, Rachel thinks that she's been put in some kind of fraternity/sorority House, Eric thinks Kendal is hot, Kendal likes to wear a furry coat, Sarah doesn't like girls and Shane 'likes the girls but really likes the guys.'
The gang's first mission is called the Polar Plunge. They must dive into nearly freezing water to recover the keys that will open the Woodie. The guys all get down to their skivvies and Sarah and Kendal take off their shirts and the crowd around them delights in their nakedness. Shane doesn't pay attention to their instructions and jumps in the pond early dragging just about everyone else in and they all swim frantically to get the keys.