In spite of the fact that she is a princess, FUNG helps out at Chin Lei Heung. HEI tells NA that he is perturbed to see that everything is going so smoothly. Later, he finds out that YEUNG has bought a large quantity of 5-stone powder. YEUNG admits that MUN is manipulating WAH, and that he himself is being used by MUN as a matter of fact. In addition, he tells HEI that he did not kill TIN and TZI-YAN. YEUNG moves on to reveal to HEI what the Tui Bei Tu says about his becoming the emperor. YEUNG points out that as HEI was born at the exactly time as he was, HEI is destined to be rich and influential when he has taken the throne. HEI believes every word he says. On the other hand, HEI reports to YAN that TIN has died. He teaches YAN how to decipher the text of the Tui Bei Tu. MUN tells YAN that according to the Tui Bei Tu the dynasty will be replaced by a new one by someone close to him.… ...