Episode 69 - S1.E69
In order to find the treasure, KEI LUN socializes with CHI frequently and practices martial art together. Just when he asks about the location of mulberry tree, FU and KATE interrupt and destroy his plan. KEI LUN acquires more information from YUI and YEK; however, they have a different answer. KEI LUN continues to search on his own and meets KUE. KUE visits MEI and suffers a stomachache for eating too full. KUE finds KEI LUN walks around the restroom suspiciously and misunderstands that he is a satyr. KEI LUN also searches the every room in family KIM. Meanwhile, LO takes a break from mahjong and changes her clothes. She finds that the shadow of KEI LUN, who is sneaking out from her bedroom. All the alibis are against KEI LUN; however, CHI still stands by him because of their friendship. LO is discontent for releasing KEI LUN; hence, she makes a trap to capture him. Unfortunately, she makes a mistake and captures YUI instead.… ...