Blake and Dex go over plans to break Caress out of prison and return her to Denver. This would present Blake with a weapon to use against his brother's treachery. Despite Ben's pleas to regain her trust, Alexis is keen to his selfish motives and plays Ben's deceptions to her own advantage. Sammy Jo is pregnant with Clay's baby and hopes to start a family. She warns Steven that if she bought a farm on which to raise a family, and with Clay as a husband, no court would deny her custody of Danny. Dana confesses her love to Adam. He feigns affection in return and acquire her promise to help him obtain information from Blake's secret files. Alexis learns of Blake's bold venture and immediately sets out to discredit his efforts. She publishes a headline proclaiming ""The Crater"" project as a risky speculation, causing Blake to lose vital investors. Dex and Clay Fallmont blast Caress out of her prison cell and return her to Denver. The D.A. refuses to prosecute Ben without proof he kidnapped C