Alexis signs a legal document relinquishing all control of Denver-Carrington and the mansion back to Blake, as his promise to use Emily's incriminating letter has its desired effect. Battling Alexis for equal control of Colbyco, Ben threatens to reveal the truth behind their deceitful crusade against Blake. Blake approaches his maligned brother with an offer of reconciliation, only to have Ben vow to continue his vendetta against him. Steven, recovering from a hangover induced by an old acquaintance's proposition, is forced to confide his gay past to Claire. A mutual alliance between Michael Culhane and Alexis to seek vengeance against Blake is sealed with a champagne toast. Upon reading a slanderous column in Alexis' newspaper, Dominique confronts the deflated empress and a good old cat-fight ensues. Remembering the affects of the mysterious phone calls from Australia on Ben, Alexis sends Adam to Sydney to learn more of Ben's sordid past.