Soul 4 Real - S1.E9
Picked Last
Superdude: It's Superdude (Kenan) against Milkman (Josh) in Milkman's Dairy Lair
Vital Information w/ Lori Beth Denberg
What's In the Box? - Contestants try to guess what item is in the box. The Host (Josh) ends up going crazy because of one contestant's (Lori Beth) crazy guesses.
Everyday French With Pierre Escargot
Nightmare at Hooligan's: Two Girls (Angelique & Alisa) go on a double date with two annoying losers (Kenan & Josh). The girls go to bathroom and use any means necessary to get away from their dates such as trying to climb out the window, blowing up the door, or even switching clothes with two boy scouts.
Musical Guest: Soul 4 Real (""Candy Rain"")
Soul 4 Real - S1.E9
February 18, 1995
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