Caitlin tries to find a way to fix the blender after one of her giant earrings dropped into it, but both she and Jen develop crushes on the repairman who comes to fix the blender. The girls turn it into a competition to see who can get a date with him first, and with Nikki as the referee, Jen secretly gets her to spy on Caitlin to see if she tries resorting to her usual tricks (like eyelash-fluttering) to get the repairman. However the repair man turns out not to be so handy and they resort to not dating him. The girls fix the blender just in time and Caitlin does not get fired. Jonesy, Jude and Wyatt wait in a long line for a blockbuster alien movie, but they keep getting out of line and losing their spots, until they make a deal with Wayne to keep their spots in the lineup – but then, Wayne goes back on his word and causes the guys to all lose their spots again through various dirty tricks. When Nikki stops by, Jude asks her to empty what