The ""brats"" finally hit the trail in this episode, but must carry all of their necessities in a tarp, because backpacks are considered a convenience that must be earned, along with knives and eating utensils. Whenever one of the brats say a curse word, they must pick up a rock and place it in their tarp pack and carry it for the remainder of their journey. This is particularly tough for James, who is so used to swearing that it he uses it in his normal language. Since the original group has been broken into two groups of three, they must be combined with other campers from the United States. Once they get on their way, Rachel does not want to hike, and thus holds up the rest of her group by sitting down and refusing to move. She has several times throughout the episode where she starts and stops. Rachel says that she would rather die than continue on the trip, so is therefore put on a suicide watch, and is not permitted to be alone at anytime until her attitude changes. Charlie