Episode 18 - S1.E18
VINCENT and LING have a talk with DIK and JANET. With all the efforts spent, VINCENT and LING can finally help JANET overcome her psychological barrier. VINCENT asks LING out on St. Valentine’s Day. LING goes to the restaurant but eventually she refuses to show up. While waiting for LING, VINCENT gets a message telling him that FAN has been sent to the hospital. A drug trafficker HAK CHAI accuses FAN of setting him up, which irks FAN beyond measure. FAN breaks out into such a fury that he needs to be hospitalized. VINCENT goes to LING’s home and gives her a mobile phone into which the ring tone of the first song they danced to has been downloaded. JESSICA is shocked to know that KIN has been in love with her and she states clearly that he is not the one she is looking for. For JESSICA’s sake, KIN engages in a series of physical exercises hoping to keep himself fit and healthy, but he ends up making himself ill.… ...