When Yuen went back to the scene where she was raped, she was frightened once again by the terrible recollection. She started to run away when she bumped into Ping. Ping tried to kill Yuen and Ngo fired at him. Ping was injured and ran away. Ngo followed suit. She caught him to the ground but he struggled back and tried to stab at Ngo. Yuen then came to her rescue. She fired at Ping. Afterwards, when Ping was sent to hospital, Feng accompanied Yuen to see Ping to help her conquer her inner fear. Yuen finally healed herself after she visited Ping.
A photo of Kiu kissing Ming on the street was taken by a reporter. Sheng was furious when he saw it. Kiu was torn between Ming and Sheng. Lost, she nevertheless promised Sheng not to see Ming.
Nian had an affair with Fuk's classmate and used her to get to Fuk.