Meet Big Momma - S2.E7
Larissa was able to spend some nice time with Michael C., Jim and Gil because of a excursion. She questioned every one of them why should she keep them on the island. She choose Michael C. for her date later. They went climbing and spended some romantic time together. Next day, Larissa and the Joes went to a cave hike. They climbed and find a note. Tony did not wanted to touch it, because there was a big possibility that the same incident with the detonator could happen. Larissa read the note and told the guys that everyone of them will have a little time alone with her, so she could decide which one of them will go on a date with her. She chose Fredo with which one she went to a night swimming.
Guys found out that Larissa's mother is in town and that she'll be meeting them. When Larissa's mother arrived, Larissa sayed goodbye to her mother and leaved. So, everyone of the guys had a intervju with her mother. What guys did not know is that Larissa's mother is really larissa, but under v