Do you lie awake at night wondering what your future holds? Same thing happens to Martin -- only, he's usually half-crocked at a dive pub pondering his future. Ya know, stuff like, will he ever find a woman? Will more people watch his show? Will Laura ever go out with him? Lucky for him, we booked one of the world's best psychics. She's Fran Baskerville, the Singing Psychic. Not only will she answer Martin's burning questions, but she'll deliver them in song.
Also on the show tonight, Nick Esposito, creator of the Gray Kangaroo, joins us to talk about his invention, which changes bottom-of-the-barrel liquor into the hooch found on the top shelf. You know, the stuff you can't afford. Perry, our staff scientist, puts it to the test. Plus, new installments of Moments in NASA history and a lip-smacking hottie from our Girls Gone Wired gallery.