One of the best things about working in television is the tremendous opportunity for intern abuse. We can force them to fetch coffee, walk our dogs, pick up our dry-cleaning, and move our cars every two hours so the meter maids don't get us. But the real entertainment starts when we invite them to ""participate in a segment."" You should see their glazed little eyes light up in anticipation! So hopeful! So clueless! So funny.
Of course, few segments have as much potential for publicly humiliating interns as the one coming up tonight. Marty's interviewing Lady Christine, a seriously sexy combination hypnotist and dominatrix. She's going to demonstrate her skill on -- you guessed it -- Joey, the ""Unscrewed"" intern. Trust us, you don't want to miss this bit.
Rounding out the evening, we've got Search Sperts, Dear Blog, and of course, another tantalizing Girl Gone Wired. Enjoy!