""Unscrewed"" basks in the panoply of the Internet like a booze hound who won't drink the same thing twice. Tonight we'll discuss the bargain basement of Internet dating, absurd office art, mischievous hackers, porn, and the facial expressions you make during sex.
But first things first. Tonight's Search Sperts is one of the best on record. Not only is it a battle that dethrones the reigning champ, but we also get to see plenty of blessed toplessedness and some lesbian kissing. You'll be on your feet yelling ""Oh no they didn't"" but you'll ultimately realize ""Ohh yeah, they did.""
And if that got you all hot and bothered we'll show you what to do about it. Our guest, Amy Blair of Blacktable.com, will guide you through an online meat market where even your most depraved wishes can come to life. The example she used? Pooping in pie tins. It's been there, she's seen it. You can see it too.