NAM cannot believe her eyes when she discovers that BEN has such a close relationship with FU. She is shocked when BEN shows up as a hero and takes FU away from the dispute with TO. The subordinate and close friend of FU, TIN KA YIU delivers the abalone congee to FU on behalf of BEN. She often envies FU for having such a delicate soul mate; however, FU feels embarrass to tell her the truth. Suddenly, FU receives an emergency call from the hospital. She then rushes to the hospital at once. Meanwhile, CHOU discovers that FU has been ill-treated three years ago and finds BEN suspicious. He suggests HON to find more proof and defeats his love enemy. In the hospital, FU is so worried when she realizes that her younger brother, MING HANGG is in critical situation. YIU is aside and offers support to her. FU recalls her past and shares her dark side with YIU.… ...