Tam has taken Cowboy's hat to get fixed, and wears it herself. Steve meets a man up at the ""Point"" called Mr Aston, he claims to be from the museum, Steve takes him to the cave where he waits five seconds before rushing out with claustrophobia, taking a sample first, he tells Steve the markings are fake. Cowboy throws away his porridge that another drover has made causing another fight. Later when Tam visits, Cowboy finds porridge in his boots and has another run in with the bully causing Cowboy to get fired in front of Tam. Steve helps to save Mr Clarke's cows from going over a cliff when Rutt Jones cuts the fence, but when the Clarke's dog spooks the cows it is Cowboy who save's the day, giving him back his self respect. Char is over joyed Cowboy is back as is Tam who give's him back his hat. Andy is furious that Mr Aston has said the markings were fake and demands proof, so he and Steve head to the Powell's pub where he is staying, Regina helps them to find his room just a