Tam and Steve decide their only option is to sell ""Henderson's Point"" as they know how much trouble the town is in, but then Mrs Phelps arrives from the museum and tells them the markings are authentic and over 2000 years old. Mrs Phelps suggests selling to the government, as they would preserve the land and not destroy it. Tam and Steve discuss selling to the government with Wal who agrees to look into it for them. Wheeler arrives to finalize the details, Tam tells him that they won't sell to him, he goes mad and Mike throws him out. Mike and George are called away to a car smash on the other side of town. Char and Cowboy have a heart to heart and agree to just remain friends. While Mike is away at the car smash and Wal in the city sorting out the government offer, Wheeler comes back and threatens to blow up the cave unless Tam and Steve sign ""Henderson's Point"" over to him by ten o clock, when Tam tries to contact Mike, Wheeler tells her not to bother as he has been called