The Bachelorette 8 is the eighth season of ABC reality television series The Bachelorette. The show premiered on May 14, 2012, featuring Emily Maynard and dating 25 men. Maynard was chosen by Brad Womack in the fifteenth season of The Bachelor, but they split after the show.
Maynard is the second former Bachelor winner to be star in The Bachelorette since Jen Schefft in season three.
This is the first season of The Bachelorette filmed in Maynard's hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina, where she and her daughter Ricki Hendrick live, rather than Los Angeles, marking this as the first time a show in The Bachelor franchise has taken place in the Southern United States and also the second time one has been filmed on the East Coast since New York City in season three.
Season 8 - The Bachelorette
Video gallery
There are no videos available for this tv season.