Eagle Riders
Earth is under siege from the alien menace known only by the name Cybercon and its legion of android forces, the Vorak. The Global Security Council convenes to address this problem, and calls upon Dr. Thaddeus Keane for assistance. They remember the aid they had received from Keane's special force, the Eagle Riders, in years past. Keane assures them that the Eagle Riders are still together, still strong, and armed with brand new weapons.
Eagle Riders is an adaptation of the Japanese series "Gatchaman II" and "Gatchaman Fighter", and is a sequel to the American show, "Battle of the Planets".
Eagle Riders
September 9, 1996
video reviews
Cast (6)
Bryan Cranston
Joe Thax
Heidi Lenhart
Kelly Jennar
Paul Schrier
Ollie Keeawani
Mona Marshall
Mickey Dugan
Greg O'Neill
Dr. Thaddeus Keane
Richard Cansino
Hunter Harris
Crew (1)
No data availableWriting
Marc Handler