Happy Valley
Happy Valley is a dark, funny, multi-layered thriller revolving around the personal and professional life of Catherine, a dedicated, experienced, hard-working copper. She is also a bereaved mother who looks after her orphaned grandchild.
Happy Valley
April 29, 2014
video reviews
Cast (14)
Sarah Lancashire
Catherine Cawood
Charlie Murphy
Ann Gallagher
James Norton
Tommy Lee Royce
Katherine Kelly
DI Jodi Shackleton
Siobhan Finneran
Clare Cartwright
Mark Stanley
Rob Hepworth
Rick Warden
Insp Mike Taylor
Vincent Franklin
DSU Andy Shepherd
Amit Shah
Faisal Bhatti
Mollie Winnard
Joanna Hepworth
George Costigan
Nevison Gallagher
Shane Zaza
Shafiq Shah
Rhys Connah
Ryan Cawood
Ishia Bennison
Joyce Metcalf