The Wild
The Wild is a South African soap opera created by Rohan Dickson, Richard Nosworthy and Bronwyn Berry and produced by M-Net's in-house production arm Magic Factory and shot entirely on location which revolves around three families – the Lebones, the van Reenens and the Tladis - who, because of past conflicts, struggle to negotiate a cohesive future, despite being bound together by their relationship to a special piece of land.
The Wild
April 4, 2011
video reviews
Cast (17)
Connie Ferguson
Marang Lebone
Ian Roberts
Karel van Reenen
Keenan Arrison
Ashwin Fernandez
Tumisho Masha
Modise Tladi
James Alexander
Tristan van Reenen
Wandile Molebatsi
Blessing Dlamini
Shona Ferguson
Itumeleng Tladi
Tyrone Keogh
Jack van Reenen
Josette Eales
Sarah van Reenen
Hayley Owen
Faye Peters
Bernie Cupido
Lele Ledwaba
Diksie Lebone
Amber van Rensburg
Amber van Reenen
Gail Nkoane
Lelo Sedibe
Clementine Mosimane
Mama Rose Tladi
Michelle Bradshaw
Lindsay Barnes
Minnie Dlamini
Zintle Lebone