A housewife, Saijo Kinuka lives with her husband Makoto and her high school daughter Honoka and her middle school son, Yuto. Due to the death of Makoto's father, they decide to move to a large European style house in Kamakura, with the second wife of Makoto's father, Saijo Chizuko. There, they host a home welcoming party, at which Kinuka invites her guests such as Suganuma Kyoko and company peers of Makoto. To every sense of the word, it is a perfect party in a perfect new environment. Like Chizuko will show-off her belly dance skills in front of everybody. This is when something shocking happens. While Kinuka is preparing for the party, suddenly her ex-boyfriend Seno Itsuki appears out of the blue. Due to loan payments which he has to deal with, he had decided to live in the attic of her new house!
Lovers in the Attic
June 3, 2017
video reviews
Rieko Miura
Kyoko Suganuma
Atsuko Takahata
Chizuko Saijo
Masanobu Katsumura
Makoto Saijo
Karen Otomo
Honoka Saijo
Hikari Ishida
Kinuka Saijo
Kazuyuki Matsuzawa
Yuichi Wada
Tsubasa Imai
Itsuki Seno
Fuuto Takahashi
Yuto Saijo
Shizuka Ouki
Mamiko Hirai
Original Music Composer