Our Hero
Our Hero is a critically acclaimed television show on the CBC from 2000 to 2002. It ran for 26 episodes over two seasons, and was syndicated in the U.S. and U.K.
The title character was teenager Kale Stiglic who created a zine about her life in suburban Toronto, with her friends Ross, Mary-Elizabeth, and Dalal. Each episode was named after an "issue" of her zine. Plot segments were interspersed with quirky animated sequences narrated by Kale, with the animation reflecting the illustrations used in that issue's zine.
Our Hero
October 5, 2000
video reviews
Cast (8)
Cara Pifko
Kale Stiglic
Vik Sahay
Dalal Vidya
Mimi Kuzyk
Mila Stiglic
Robert Bockstael
Joey Stiglic
Jeanie Calleja
Mary E.
Jesse Nilsson
Justin Peroff
Ross Korolus
Mike George
Ethan Stiglic