Erky Perky

Erky Perky was an Australian and Canadian animated television program on YTV developed by CCI Entertainment. and Ambience Entertainment. The show was about two bickering, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who live at a hot dog stand, but are accidentally taken to a house. The show focuses on Erky and Perky trying to settle into the house, living with fellow housebugs, and the hunt for food in a very clean kitchen. It was broadcast once on YTV's Big BBQ Blowout on July 1, 2006, as a "sneak peek". Another Erky Perky "sneak peek" episode was shown on August 30, 2006 during YTV's "Sneek Peek Week", before airing regularly on September 7. The show premiered on Toon Disney in the United States on September 4, 2006.

The CGI animation was done by the Australian Visual Effects company The LaB Sydney

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Erky Perky

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