Absolute Mess

The most important movie in the DCEU? Yes. The best movie? NO! I dare to say that "Justice League" is a total mess. "BvS" was not a good movie, but this one is even worse. Yes, I'm not kidding, there was not a single moment in the movie, that I care about something or I was under pressure about what's happening.

Batman was worse portrayed off than "BvS", all he did was showing his new outfits, gadgets and make his traditional jumps. After Steppenwolf and Flash he got probably the dumbest replicas in the movie. Wonder Woman played the role of a leader more than Batman, but she did nothing special at all. I do not think there is a need to say that the movie is a full of slow-motion moments, and right at the beginning, it has an unrealistic stupid scene. Surprisingly, Cyborg was the best-represented character...before they started working together, when he also faded against the backdrop of what's going on. Some people will say that Flash is "very good and fun", it was very flat for me. Whatever you tell me Flash has never been so stupid in the comics, Bart Allen yes, but Barry Allen never. Aquaman shine with nothing except his badass vision. I was hoping for him to do something memorable, but the only thing we saw were slow motion scenes, watching him how wet and strong it's...the best we got was the quote from the trailer "I can dig it" and then, when he's sitting on the Batmobile and says something relatively good.

The villain? Yeah, that's the worst villain I have ever seen in a movie, even Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Faced from "Batman Forever" was a better one. Completely CGI villain with a banal motivation to conquer the world. The only thing Steppenwolf wins in my eyes is that he is the winner of the prize - "Author of the dumbest speeches in the movie". "MOTHER"...sounds stupid, it was finally clear that Overpowered Superman should intervene to defeat the "big" villain. Plus the parademons do not die, they still exist, and the whole film does nothing about them in the end.

Superman? Perhaps you all wonder how he's back in the movie...honestly, all the theories that were written were light years better than what actually happened. Superman was revived by one of the Mother Boxes (yeah sounds lame) and confronted the whole league and he beat the league for 3 minutes..all of them. Of course Batman got a "trap" that he could not resist - Lois Lane, after which everything was in order. Ooh...I would have forgotten that the movie started with Superman and his mustache and an attempt to get rid of it through CGI, but as you guess, when I say it to you, it is evident, It can't be unseen, following a time in which it's again visible is his resurrection, simply can not be omitted.

Is there a Green Lantern? Yes, but it's just a few seconds and is not one of the main ones, it's just a flashback from the past war with Steppenwolf, to show you that we'll see a new member of the league in the future. In the whole movie, it was not explained to anyone exactly what the three mother boxes can do, and why the benefit is so valuable, but everyone can steal them...The story was dumb, the league was gathered in a very controversial way. Humor was forced, if I laughed at something in the whole movie, it was 1 or 2 times maximum, everything else was a tragedy.

The movie is full of CGI and all the time you can not explain what is happening just as you can not explain why the "big threat" in the movie and its lair gathers the mothers boxes in an abandoned place in Russia, where lives only one family that will then be rescued by Flash...by pushing a car.

The movie has two post-credit scenes, the first one is fun and the second is something that DC needs to build in its Cinematic Universe in the future, but I do not see how it will happen if they continue to make such weak movies. I'm not a hater, but DC have some of the most famous heroes and even more famous villains, but this is insult to the fans. There are scenes in the movie, that have no explanation, yeah I understand that these are fictional characters, and in the comicbook world everything is possible, but Flash falls while running fast and Batman catches him...this is just one of many examples, for which I do not think to write.

I can say a lot more, but honestly it is not worth it. I can't appreciate the movie higher than 5.5 or 6/10.


"The Last Jedi" fits into the well-established atmosphere of the new trilogy, but at the same time it is different. Rian Johnson's revenue is clearly visible. Unlike "The Force Awakens", where it was set to be more secure, here the director allowed himself to insert entirely new things that make up the big universe of Star Wars.

The movie is noticeably darker, as was clear from the release of the first poster, the trailer and the ad campaign.

Some fans will be happy because of 2 particular scenes, they've been waiting for years become a reality in this movie. Others will not like it so much, because there are some really unnecessary scenes, also this is not the typical "Star Wars" movie.

The "Last Jedi" answers some questions, but there are many unknowns, that we'll not know until 2019.

"The Last Jedi" is good as one-off fantasy movie, but it is controversial, as a part of the Skywalker saga.

"Confused" Is The Right Word

You will go through all sorts of emotions if "Star Wars" is in your blood.

There're answers for the question that "The Force Awakenes" and "The Last Jedi" put on the table.

The action...is the best of this Star Wars trilogy, and it can be said that the film has scenes that will be remembered and followed by a time.

The story is too much for 2 hours and a half. There were all kinds of theories, but I will not give out anything, you'll judge for yourself. The story of this movie, can be told in 3 movies and I think it will make a better sequel trilogy, than the one we received.

The music as always is the soul of "Star Wars"!

Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are giving out everything until the end! There are surprises for sure, good ones and not so good...

I need to watch it again...

In the end, like it or not, as every "Star Wars" movie, there are still plenty of good things to remember. "Star Wars" is a movie for the generations!

A masterfully orchestrated film
for Logan

The final outing of Wolverine by Hugh Jackman is one unforgettable ride and one of the best comic-book movies in recent memory. Directed by James Mangold-who was also at the helm of "The Wolverine" (2013)- Logan creates a character-driven, violent and emotional film, which benefits from its rated-r rating. The acting, action and story of Logan are one-of-a-kinds in the superhero genre, as the cast, headed by Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and newly- introduced Dafne Keen, play their characters to the fullest. It is unlike any other X-Men film, definitely the best in the series and deserves the praise it's getting.

When I saw the first trailer drop, headlined by Johnny Cash's "Hurt", I instantly knew we would be getting something different from everything else that has dropped since the first X-Men film in 2000. The brutality and intensity of the characters pay off in this almost two-and-a- half hour that redefines the superhero genre, and I hope pays dividends for future movies to come.

The introduction of X-23 was a big win as well. She is played by Dafne Keen, and though doesn't say much, plays her role very well. Her connection with both Hugh and Patrick creates a family-orientated environment that makes the movie a whole lot better, especially seen in certain scenes.

Lastly, as much as I want the character of Wolverine to continue being played on the big screen, it would be better for everyone if they didn't re-cast the role, as no-one would be able to play the role much like the legendary Hugh Jackman.

Overall, Mangold and the cast, create a masterfully orchestrated film that will be remembered for years to come. Not only is it a great film, but it is the last time we will be able to appreciate and witness Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart in the X-Men universe.

One of my favorite marvel movies

Full disclosure: I love the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and it wasn't until 3 years after this movie came out that I finally saw it (there are several reasons for that). I'd heard from others that this movie was very good, but not quite as strong as the first one. After seeing this movie finally though, I don't know what they were talking about. This movie was every bit as strong as the first movie, if not stronger in a lot of ways.

I won't spoil anything about this film, but I will say that Quill's father is one of the most interesting characters they've had in marvel films, and the fact that he's played by Kurt Russell certainly doesn't hurt. The story is more interesting and fun than the original, with a lot of very well crafted jokes within the movie. There are some that overstay their welcome just a little bit, but as a whole, they are all great.

My favorite aspect of the film was there was no sign of MCU in this movie really at all. There were no random cameos from other marvel superheroes, and there was no "infinity stones" or other nonsense like that in this movie. Not saying those things are bad necessarily, but it just feels so nice not having to deal with unnecessary shoehorning in of Marvel things. This was kept relatively tame in the first one as well, but the macguffin in that film was an infinity stone, but this film was it's own separate thing and that made it feel fresh. It didn't even feel like a superhero movie all that much if I'm honest.

I don't rate many superhero movies as highly as this, but this one is great. Go watch it if, like me, you put off watching it for fear of not being good.

Gets better and better every time

Personally, I find that every time I watch "Doctor Strange," I enjoy it slightly more than I did before. I suppose it comes down to my belief that "Doctor Strange" is far more rooted in reality than many other Marvel movies. Whereas many others have storylines that audiences and humanity in general cannot exactly relate to, "Doctor Strange" (simply put) follows a man who loses his way.

After a bad car accident, Dr. Stephen Strange finds that he is unable to continue his work as a surgeon, and essentially spirals into despair. He eventually finds salvation in the mystic arts, finally understanding that the world does not revolve around him and becoming involved in a battle to save Earth. In terms of Marvel stories, that is fairly simplistic.

Let me make myself clear: "Doctor Strange" is in no way a simple movie. Many scenes (especially those in the mirror dimension) are some of the trippiest scenes to ever grace a Marvel title. We're talking "Inception"-level chaos. What I mean is that the story itself is fairly simplistic, which allows audiences to sympathize with Strange. Almost everyone has had or will have a crisis of faith. It's something we can understand, and I think that makes "Doctor Strange" a very solid film.

On another note, the characters and cast in this movie are spot-on. Benedict Cumberbatch is literally PERFECT at being an arrogant neurosurgeon-turned Master of the Mystic Arts, Rachel McAdams is perfect as the down-to-Earth and often extremely confused Christine, and Benedict Wong is wonderful as... Wong. Huh. I never noticed they had the same name. Anyways, they're all hilarious in some way. Tilda Swinton (The Ancient One) and Mads Mikkelsen (Kaecilius) are more serious in tone, but both still have marvelous performances. I won't really mention Mordo, because he's a little annoying (even though I suppose that's purposeful). Chiwetel Ejiofor still does a great job of playing him though.

So overall, I really enjoy "Doctor Strange" nowadays. I suppose its more realistic approach to characters was a little off-putting to me at first, but I think I've warmed up to it.

80Very good
Damn you Marvel!!!!

Ragnarok is a neon-infused fantasy of what superhero films could look like. There are gigantic monsters and beautiful women; zombie armies and a big spooky dog; an evil witch and Jeff Goldblum, but this isn't just a wacky movie made for the sake of wackiness. Ragnarok is the child of confident filmmaking and understanding of what the Thor franchise could have always been.

It takes a character that could have always been more and makes good on that promise through competent storytelling and unbridled enthusiasm for the world. This is exactly how we should be rewarded for their fandom. There has never been a clearer example of throwing the entire kitchen sink at a single title and having every single washer and lug-nut of that porcelain mechanism land in perfect order than Ragnarok.

Long Live the King

Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler, tells the story of the new King T'Challa of Wakanda who must learn to handle the responsibilities of this title. Chadwick Boseman reprises his role as the Black Panther and goes up against his nemesis Killmonger, played by Michael B. Jordan.

Pros: Coogler has already proven himself to be an excellent director after movies like Fruitvale Station and Creed (both starring Jordan), but he showcases his full talents in Black Panther when given a huge budget to work with. The movie looks beautiful with bright lush colors. The soundtrack and musical score are also very good. At its heart, the movie's message is very profound and relevant to real world politics.

As expected, Boseman is awesome as T'Challa. His character goes through so much and his development throughout is handled perfectly. The best scenes of this movie are when he has to look within himself to find answers when the people he always trusted let him down. The cast in general has very good chemistry. T'Challa's relationship with his sister Shuri (Letiitia Wright) is very funny and it's easy to buy them as siblings. His relationship with his love Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) is even better. It would be criminal not to mention Danai Gurira and what she gives this movie from an action standpoint. Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger is without a doubt the best villain the MCU has presented so far. His motivations are so clear and his ideology directly challenges T'Challa's. He is physically and psychologically the perfect adversary for Black Panther.

Cons: The pacing of the movie is a bit odd. It moves pretty quickly until everything comes to a head at the very end. More time should have been spent in between to flesh out the side characters and let the emotions sink in. In addition, the action scenes are not among Marvel's best. The last battle between Panther and Killmonger in particular is pretty disappointing in all honesty. The CGI felt unfinished and they could have been cut together better.

Overall, Black Panther is a triumph for the MCU and its societal connotations. This is, in my opinion, the best origin movie that Marvel has made because of its amazing hero, great cast of role characters, and truly menacing villain.

80Very good
Enjoyable, light-hearted superhero flick

This film loaded with silly humour, but it actually got some clever laughs and its heart is in the right place. When I say that this film has its heart in the right place I mean that it manages to get the balance of comedy and sentimentality without crossing too far over the line into cheesiness.

Billy's story involves him not being happy in his foster home and trying to search for his mum. I felt sad for Billy. However, the way we get to know his new foster family, with all their individual quirks, shows us that he's in a safe and loving environment with genuinely good people. It's nice. When it comes to the superhero stuff I think this film manages to do well at demonstrating action scenes via the use of amazing visual effects. Perhaps near the end the film turned into something we've seen many times before, but it looked good while it was happening. The performances really carry this movie; Zachary Levi suited the role. Because he is actually playing a 14 year old boy he has to portray that convincingly - which he does with ease. He's really funny, and also looked suited to the action stuff as well. But one issue is that, the personalities between the adult and young Billy doesn't match, Zachary Levi is more convincing that's he's a 14 year old boy than younger Billy is. He come as across as very childish as an adult than he is a 14 year old. I hope they correct that in the sequel. Jack Dylan Grazer is pure comedy throughout this movie. His mannerisms are just as impressive as the words coming out of his mouth. He, which was a true supporting performance. Few minor issues i had with the movie is that the villain was too weak and the film did felt slightly too long. In the latter stages when the comedy was lessened and the serious stuff took over I did feel the film begin to lose its identity. The quirky comic superhero film was starting to look like all the others. I know they have to have the big battle between the hero and villain; but it almost lost me when all that stared.

All in all, Shazam is an enjoyable film with some positive morals going on. It has a lots of charms and a fine balance between humor and seriousness.

The Latest Adaptation of the Powerful Female DC Superhero

Well, I think this was a rather different type of DC superheroes movies. This one was felt as a combination of fun and a little bit dark altogether. This movie was telling the origin of Wonder Woman and I think it was told in a very nice way. The earlier part showing Diana since her childhood was quite nice to see. What I loved the most was actually the moment when Diana went to London for the very first time. It was truly fun to see the naivety of her in the "man's world" and I think Gal Gadot's portrayal in these scenes were very spot on.

What I loved about this movie was also the way Diana evolved from the innocent Amazon woman to what she became at the end. I believe the duration of the movie was just nice even though it was a little bit over than 2 hours. Some might feel it was too long at the beginning but it should not be considered as a flaw. My wife and I really enjoyed this movie. I know she was touched during those emotional moments and I know she loved Gal Gadot portraying Wonder Woman.

Chris Pine was charming as Steve Rogers and his chemistry with Gal Gadot seemed very nice. The awkward moments during their trip back to London were very fun to see as well. Steve's allies particularly Sameer was the stand out one. Apart from the fun part, there were also some dark moments and emotional moments as well, reminding us that DC superhero adaptation movies would always have dark tone, but it was not as dark as the other earlier movies. Those of you who prefer lighter tone would definitely be able to enjoy this.

This movie was directed by Patty Jenkins who had just 1 movie to her credit prior to this one, albeit a very highly critically acclaimed one titled Monster (with its main cast Charlize Theron won the Golden Globe and Academy Awards). It was a surprise to me that she was able to make the action sequence looked very cool. The special effects was wonderful. The fight scenes were nice. The sound effects were great, especially since I saw this in a theater with Dolby Atmos sound system. The dramatic, emotional, fun scenes were nicely done by Jenkins. All around I think she did a wonderful job directing this movie and hopefully it would bring more audiences to flock the theaters.

For those who are expecting to see post-credit scene, be informed that this one did not have any, just like in Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice. I guess they did not really want to be seen just like any other Marvel movies? (Although there was some brief mid-credit scene in Suicide Squad).

In conclusion, I believe this one was a wonderful superhero movie from DC comics. Not since Elektra in 2005 that a female superhero became the lead of a movie based on comic books. Not even Marvel had it in the Marvel cinematic universe. Perhaps after this, they would be making an independent movie of Black Widow?

Anyway, for those of you who prefer Marvel comics movies compared to DC comics movies due to their lighter tones, I think this one would surprise you. For those who are die hard fans of DC comics, I am sure you would be coming to see this one anyway. But for those who just enjoy the movies adapted from any comic books, you should be able to enjoy this one. Just watch this and you would understand what I meant.
