This is fine guys

Is the movie a masterpiece? No. Is it the worst X-men movie ever? Definitely not. Have you seen the last stand, Apocalypse or Origins? Does this movie have deep themes, amazing visuals, complex characters, and fully developed relationships? No but its straight forward and doesn't really have any holes.

Has Mystique completely given up? Oh beyond. Did we need aliens? No, no we did not. Are storm and Quicksilver depressingly underused? Sadly yes. Are Jean and Cyclops just ok? Yea but Beast, Charles and Magneto are still giving it their all. that mini mutant civil war fight was pretty cool and I really liked the train sequences. It ok for a movie to just be ok, just average. I can at least say I had a good time in the end. This movie does not deserve people going so hard on it.

Life Event!

You think "Infinity War" was mind-blowing? So was I...but man..."Endgame" is simply the best cinematic experience in my life and every fan since the beginning of the MCU can confirm it! I still got chills after this will haunt me for so long! You'll cheer, you'll laugh, you'll scream and also you'll cry...a lot.

Watching this building of characters since 2008 on big screen and watching the culmination of it is hearth breaking and emotional!

Also...they kept the script very well. 3 hours long movie and I needed more at the end!

Thank you Kevin Feige, Russo Brothers and all the cast members and people behind the scenes, who made this thing real. This is life event!

I can't wait to watch it again and again and again with my friends...and yeah I'll cry just like the first time, but man... worth it!

Enjoyable, light-hearted superhero flick

This film loaded with silly humour, but it actually got some clever laughs and its heart is in the right place. When I say that this film has its heart in the right place I mean that it manages to get the balance of comedy and sentimentality without crossing too far over the line into cheesiness.

Billy's story involves him not being happy in his foster home and trying to search for his mum. I felt sad for Billy. However, the way we get to know his new foster family, with all their individual quirks, shows us that he's in a safe and loving environment with genuinely good people. It's nice. When it comes to the superhero stuff I think this film manages to do well at demonstrating action scenes via the use of amazing visual effects. Perhaps near the end the film turned into something we've seen many times before, but it looked good while it was happening. The performances really carry this movie; Zachary Levi suited the role. Because he is actually playing a 14 year old boy he has to portray that convincingly - which he does with ease. He's really funny, and also looked suited to the action stuff as well. But one issue is that, the personalities between the adult and young Billy doesn't match, Zachary Levi is more convincing that's he's a 14 year old boy than younger Billy is. He come as across as very childish as an adult than he is a 14 year old. I hope they correct that in the sequel. Jack Dylan Grazer is pure comedy throughout this movie. His mannerisms are just as impressive as the words coming out of his mouth. He, which was a true supporting performance. Few minor issues i had with the movie is that the villain was too weak and the film did felt slightly too long. In the latter stages when the comedy was lessened and the serious stuff took over I did feel the film begin to lose its identity. The quirky comic superhero film was starting to look like all the others. I know they have to have the big battle between the hero and villain; but it almost lost me when all that stared.

All in all, Shazam is an enjoyable film with some positive morals going on. It has a lots of charms and a fine balance between humor and seriousness.

Higher Further Faster!

Brie Larson enters with all his heart in the role of Captain Marvel! Her palette of emotions is more than rich, so the hater can cry in the corner. Happy?

The whole story is a different origin, that you will appreciate. The movie is great and engaging, great action, fun moments, and lots of references that will only be appreciated by the true fans. There're suprises (some of them will blown you away).

The combination between Brie Larson and Samuel Jackson is something we could only have wish to this point! The chemistry between them is great. Jude Law is on point, Goose (the cat) just killing it, but man...Ben Mendelsohn steals every scene, just unique character!

The visual effects do not disappoint! Everything looks even better than the trailers.

One of the reasons why the film is interesting, is the time period in which it's set and all the small references to events from the Marvel Universe. It's not the "typical" Marvel movie for sure. Brie Larson and Lashana Lynch (Maria Rambeau) kicks immediately and no, this is not movie about feminism, it's a great comicbook story about female lead character, get over it!

I definitely can't wait to see Captain Marvel and The Avengers side by side! For sure her first appearance will be a blast! She's the necessary shock to the system, not the hero who will defeat Thanos, but with the combined efforts of the Avengers she will can do so much. Captain Marvel is a brute force!

Stay by till end of the movie...we're in the Endgame now!

80Very good
Predictable CGI Journey

Aquaman, Orm and Manta are comic accurate. Thestory is predicatble since the second huge trailer. I mean, there was not a moment were I was surprised by anything including the credit scene.

The visuals are great for the most time, but at some places you're starting to wonder is there anything real in this movie? The CGI becomes tangible.

The action scenses are decent, slow motion is everywhere, the humor is...really? The movie is better than most of the others DC movies, but still got a lot problems, including story connections, logic and physics. I mean for me "Man Of Steel" is still the best one, followed by "Wonder Woman". All I can say is predicatble from start to finish pop corn flick.


This movie is probably the best, that Sony ever offered us from the Spidey universe. Super fresh story, incredible animation style, characters that we'll hardly see on the big screen soon, plenty of fun moments and tons of comicbook references.

Absolute joy, especially if you're comicbook nerd. It has already been confirmed that there will be a sequel and honestly, I can not wait.

Go and see for yourself. One hundred percent you'll not be disappointed at the end...the very end.

It's not terrible like critics make it out to be, but it's not great like audiences make it out to be
for Venom

This movie is kind of a mixed bag. There are certain elements of it that I think are creative, but by far it is definitely one of the lesser Marvel films. The only thing I disagree with Martin Scorsese about is that "Marvel movies are like theme park rides" because there are ones like Endgame, Thor Ragnarok, Civil War, The Avengers, Infinity War and many others that have a far deeper meaning and much more than just entertainment. Overall, Venom is one of those okay movies that doesn't deserve hate, the scenes where the Venom inside Tom Hardy's character is talking to him are pretty hilarious.

Don't Judge By The Size, Judge By The Quality!

Yes, the movie responds to some questions, we asked during "Infinity War" and yes, for people who do not watch all the movies, only some selective...all of the movies in the MCU are connected and this one is no exception.

I will not get into the details for the movie, but it got everything you need to remember it. The story is fun, the action is great, also connections to other movies. All these, are just some of the incredible things in this movie!

Personally for me, Evangeline Lilly in the role of Hope Van Dyne (Wasp) stole the show, because she's incredible, Paul Rudd as Ant-Man evolves himself as a hero, but do not think that the curious moments are less! Actors in supporting roles only make the movie even better. Stellar ensemble, also the humor is spot on. Get ready for a lot of surprises!

If you think that watching "Ant-Man and the Wasp" after "Infinity War" is crazy, believe me, Marvel own us once again. Just the thought, that after such a big event in the MCU, we are watching a lighter film, but at the same time extremely important for the culmination of all the events of ten years of stories is mind-boggling!

In conclusion "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is another jewel in the MCU crown! The film is full of action, fun moments and character development. I will not disclose anything else, but stay to the very end of the movie...

One of the credit scenes is easily top notch!

80Very good
It's better than the new trilogy

I liked Solo.... much more than I anticipated I would. Like many people posting reviews, I am an old-school, die-hard fan of the original trilogy, and I am also a fan of the old "extended universe", much of which is now being overshadowed by the cash-grab that is this new Disney-driven galaxy.

However, I must say that the negativity this film has received is undeserved. The story is solid, if a bit predictable at times. The dialogue and acting are FAR better than in any of the other recent Star Wars films, except perhaps Rogue One. Notably in comparison to Last Jedi, the story has a logical flow, there are no side-stories that make no sense, nor any ham-handed attempts to milk humor out of an unrealistic scene. I can't say it enough, this movie actually makes sense and has a believable story.

If there is a problem, it is that Star Wars is becoming another Marvel Universe, where everything has already been done in one way or another. For non-star wars fans, this will be a perfectly serviceable action/sci-fi adventure, with characters whose struggles most people should recognize from other stories in these genres. I was pleasantly surprised at how some characters were killed- it actually made me worry that anyone could be in danger, even knowing that this was impossible. It was emotionally real.

For Star Wars fans, there are heaps of references to the extended universe. These were done in a way that made sense and gave service to old Star Wars stories. Teras Kasi, Aurra Sing, Chewy being ~200 years old, among others. There are glimpses at what the every day life of an average citizen in the empire would experience (spoiler: not nice). Han as a character is played true to form: a guy who has seen some bad things, done some bad things, but still, deep down, is good.

I liked it. Don't listen to the fanatical homers whose own self-absorption with Star Wars prevents them from enjoying anything that doesn't conform to their pre-determined view.

80Very good
Good sequel

Not as good as the first one, however it still has a large amount of good moments. A fun over the top superhero movie that's filled with pop culture references and self-referential humor. Very enjoyable especially the end credits scenes

80Very good